Lecturers of the SummerAcademy 2023

Susanne Carl
Fascinated by people, she creates participatory projects and workshops across genres in the field of physical theatre (clown, masks, staged photography).
Her focus:
Dealing with Uncertainty
through Clowning

Luca Fiorani
He is a researcher in laser
applications, a university lecturer in physics and sustainability, and an author of books on ecology.
His focus:
Dealing with Uncertainty
in Ecology

Monika Dillier
As a biologist, psychotherapist and nature educator with additional theological training, she is familiar with both scientific and humanistic ways of thinking.
Her focus:
Dealing with Uncertainty
in Nature Education

Silvester Gaberscek
Ethnologist and sociologist, Silvester worked as an expert in the field of cultural heritage at the Slovenian Ministery of Culture since the time of Slovenian independence thirty years ago.
His focus:
Dealing with Uncertainty
in Culture

Adriana Martins
Alessandra Pasquali
As part of the International
Performing Arts Group Gen Verde
their background is in physical
education, sociology, dance and
Their focus:
Dealing with Uncertainty through Performing on Stage

Sr. Nicole Grochowina
She is an academic in confessional history & ambiguity, legal history, women’s history and memory culture. She is part of the evangelical community “Christusbruderschaft”.
Her focus:
Dealing with Uncertainty
through Religion

Ernst Thöni
This musician and folk-dancer
brings over 40 years of experience
as a teacher at the international
boarding school “Ecole d’Humanité” in the heart of Switzerland.
His focus:
Dealing with Uncertainty
through Moving to Music

Jan Morovic
He is a colour scientist at HP Inc. and former university lecturer at the University of Derby. He works on topics in the fields of colour vision, psychophysics, mathematical modeling and colour imaging.
His focus:
Dealing with Uncertainty
of Visual Perception